Mission Youth Philly Chaplain and Young Men & Women’s Section Chaplain
My passion in life is to lead others to encounter Christ and experience his love. When young people encounter Christ through prayer, through mission work, through reading scripture together and through one-on-one spiritual direction, their lives are changed forever! I cant' make anyone experience this encounter, but I can spend every minute of my life helping facilitate this encounter for them. With the prayers and support of many generous souls, I hope to persevere in this calling until death on the cross alongside Christ himself. That's what I call Living the Dream!
Many generous people ask me how can I support your mission in Philadelphia. It's simple:
PRAY for the mission.
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Hometown: Lawrence, Kansas
Ordained on December 15, 2012
Favorite Saint: St Isaac Jogues
Favorite Book: Les Miserables
Hobby: Mountain Biking
Contact: mmoriarty@legionaries.org
Romans 8:38 - Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.
"We have to bloom where we’re planted. You don’t have to go far away from home to be a missionary, In fact, that might be even long-term hypocritical, to love somebody far away from you, and not to love the one at your side, in your family, at work, at school.” For Father Michael, the mission he lives at home, in his daily life, is the one that matters most. “I would be remiss in living my Catholic faith if I didn’t do that, if I wasn’t a witness at the grocery store.”