Recorded Talks, Retreats, & Resources
From Fr. Reuben Nuxoll, LC
Including: Saint, Words of Wisdom, & Commitments to Christ
On Oct 23 the Women's Section of RC welcomed 2 members of Rising Alliance- highlighting the need for creative ways we can be more inclusive of individuals of all abilities.
This is a powerful video demonstration acceptance without bias. We are made for community, all of us!
Fierce & Feminine: Embracing the disarming force of our feminine gaze (Part 1)
Fierce & Feminine: Embracing the disarming force of our feminine gaze. (Part 2)
Fierce & Feminine: Embracing the disarming force of our feminine gaze (Part 3)
Refined and Radiant: Training our gaze to become a channel of life and light
Unveiling the Transformative Power of the Gaze
Unveiling the Transformative Power of the Gaze
Unveiling the Transformative Power of the Gaze